04/08/2023: The Odd Case of Gas Station Hardboiled Eggs

Last December, I went to a Christmas party with a lot of old friends. While we were reminiscing about the past, keeping up with the kids that some of them had, and generally having a good time, we got onto the topic of conspiracy theories. None of us at the party believed in conspiracy theories; we were talking about some relative who had an... interesting view of the world. This was all second-hand half-remembered hearsay, so perhaps the details were quite off, but I can't stop thinking about The Gas Station Hardboiled Egg Conspiracy.

According to my friend, the relative believed that the eggs in gas stations weren't to be trusted because they "weren't eggs." While I agree that trusting gas station food is a bit dubious, I had to know in what way the eggs just... weren't eggs. What were they, if not eggs? Allegedly, they were eggs at some point, but "someone" injected a chemical in them to harden them into hardboiled eggs.