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I've been steadily getting more and more into Digimon, and I want a place to talk about it!

Digimon Video Games

I would say that I started getting into Digimon thanks to Digimon Cyber Sleuth Deluxe Edition on the Nintendo Switch. I was told that it was similar to Pokemon, which is been a huge favorite of mine since I was a kid. While I do still love Cyber Sleuth, I think that comparing it to Pokemon is a bit of an oversimplification that doesn't do Digimon any favors: I feel like Digimon has a lot of unique qualities that should not be directly compared to Pokemon, even though both of them are monster collecting games and, in Cyber Sleuth's case, are JRPGs with a colorful cast of characters to befriend, fight against, and otherwise enjoy. However, the similarities sort of end there aside from genre conventions; while there are type / attribute advantages and disadvantages and a physical versus "special" / "magic" split, Digimon Cyber Sleuth is more of a Visual Novel with JRPG elements while Pokemon is less plot-filled and more freeform.

Both have their advantages, and you may have more of a craving for one over the other, and so ignoring or downplaying the differences only alienates potential Pokemon "converts" by not warning them about the differences and does Digimon a disservice by not playing up what makes it unique. One of the most unique things about Digimon that sets it apart can be found in its origins: The Digimon V-Pets.

Digimon V-Pets

I've gotten really into Digimon V-Pets, particularly the DMX versions. They have expansive evolution trees, cool mechanics that the original re-prints don't have, and the XAI system that is unique to the DMX systems. This system adds a little more randomization and variety to your Digimon-taming experience. I currently have the four DMX versions that are available in English: DMXA, DMXB, DMXC, and DMXD. The DMXE and DMXF versions are exclusively in Japanese, which I do not speak. Theoretically, I could still be able to raise Digimon on those V-Pets, especially because I have experience with the English versions, but I want to slow down my Digimon V-Pet buying.

I enjoy checking in on my little Digimon over the course of the day, giving me something to fidget with when I'm standing in line, not sure how to fill the time, or am otherwise unsure of what to do with my hands. I like seeing all of the cool forms that they can take, and seeing them progress from one to another and so on over a week or so is a lot of fun for me. My actions directly affect which forms they take, and I can spend a long time filling up a "Digimon Field Guide" about them, trying to "catch 'em all," to borrow a phrase from another series that I love. I'm dspecially excited to participate more in the Digimon V-Pet communities!

Digimon V-Pet Communities

When I first got into the Digimon V-Pet community, I started with the Digimon Subreddit. I found the Discord communities from the subreddit, but I will not link to them here for their privacy. If you are interested in participating, I suggest checking the subreddit first. There are a lot of people who are interested in the Digimon V-Pets and modding them via painting the shells, changing the backgrounds behind the sprites, and using programs and other equipment to customize their experiences and share their passion with other people.

There are modifications to allow for people to battle their Digimon online with other people, and I've gotten one of them to join in! I'm excited to participate in battles with other people and join discussions with other people. I tend to be nervous when joining a new community, especially when I have no known friends in that space, so being able to participate in a new community is a big leap for me. It may not be revolutionary, and it may be something that a lot of people are comfortable with doing every day, but for me, it's a big step out of my comfort zone, and I'm proud of myself for giving it a try.